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What Is Assisted Delivery?

What Is Assisted Delivery?

On occasion it is necessary for a health care provider to assist the mother during the pushing stage in order to make for a successful delivery. After administering anesthesia and ensuring that the mother is comfortable the health provider will use forceps or suction...

Water Birth Explained

Water Birth Explained

A water birth is when women give birth in a tub of warm water. The theory is that since the baby has been floating in a water-like environment for nine months that giving birth to them in water will be gentler and less stressful on both mother and baby. A water birth...

Understanding Labor & Birth Terminology : A Dictionary

Understanding Labor & Birth Terminology : A Dictionary

Here are some common terms that you may hear during your labor and delivery, and what they mean: Abruptio Placenta / Placental Abruption: the placenta has begun separating from the wall of the uterus before the baby is born. Amniotic Fluid: the liquid that fills the...

Making Pregnancy Health Care Choices

Making Pregnancy Health Care Choices

You will quickly find out that after becoming pregnant that there are a lot of choices to be made. Foods to eat or not eat, how much exercise to get and even the best way to sleep are all things that you have to decide. Perhaps the most important choices you will make...

Midwives and Midwife Care – A Primer

Midwives and Midwife Care – A Primer

For centuries women have been helping other women deliver their babies, this is where the occupation of midwife developed. A midwife is an expert on all the options available to a woman during labor and delivery, and specializes in ensuring that the pregnant mother...

Selecting a Childbirth Education Class

Selecting a Childbirth Education Class

Being pregnant and preparing to deliver a child, even if it is not your first can be an overwhelming experience. By attending childbirth classes new parents can inform themselves about not only what will happen during labor and delivery, but also throughout their...

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