
Free ovulation and pregnancy information for women.

Determining if a Specific Medical Test is Necessary During Pregnancy

Determining if a Specific Medical Test is Necessary During Pregnancy

The first thing for you to learn on this particular topic is that most of the time you should follow the advice of your doctor. In fact, almost all of the time you should do this. This article is not presented as a replacement for your doctor’s advice, but rather as a...

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Carrier Screening

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Carrier Screening

If you are pregnant or planning on getting pregnant you may want to consider having a Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening test performed on yourself and your partner. Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited condition that is caused by an abnormal gene in the body which affect...

Combined First-Trimester Screening

Combined First-Trimester Screening

There are many different types of tests pregnant women have available to them to verify the health of their baby. Most of these tests are meant to detect a child’s risk of birth defects such as Downs syndrome. While every mother wants her child to be healthy, there...

Alpha-Feto Protein (AFP) and Triple Screening Test

Alpha-Feto Protein (AFP) and Triple Screening Test

Alpha-Feto Protein Test The alpha-feto protein test (AFP test) is a pretty simple test that involves taking a blood sample from the mother in order to check the levels of AFP in the blood. The reason this test is conducted on pregnant woman is because AFP is secreted...

Glucose Screening Tests

Glucose Screening Tests

Left untreated those who are pregnant and have a pre-existing diagnosis of diabetes or find they have gestational diabetes can make for major complications. This is why many physicians and health care providers recommend that pregnant women take a glucose screening...

Common Reasons for a Cesarean Procedure

Common Reasons for a Cesarean Procedure

Around the world the rate of births by caesarean section has increased, with North America leading the pack at around one in four births. Understanding the circumstances that may lead to a caesarean birth helps the mother cope with the decision, should it be necessary...

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